A Year in Sport 2018

What an amazing year!  I had another phenomenal year with my family, with my work and with my bike.  While October, November and December had me hit with unforeseen medical scares… I can now report that I am healthy and feeling great again.  I spent proud to have spent 200 days this year being active… riding, hiking, running.  Spending over 300 hours pushing myself and getting moving.  Most of all I am humbled to have taught over 100 spin classes this year; providing over 1,500 activities to my students that come seeking their own personal fitness goals.  This meant so much to me this year, and I cannot wait for another great year teaching and motivating in 2019.

I met so many new people shared some of the hardest rides of my life with true athletes and friends.  Living life to the fullest, adventuring, exploring… these are the things I appreciate most about life.  Thank you to my friends and family that supported all this activity in 2018.  With out this network of support I could not have accomplished any of this.  Sport and being active outside has always been my way of getting myself balanced and feeling good.  Enjoying the outdoors and breathing fresh mountain air has a profound impact on my soul. 

I cannot wait for more adventures in 2019, and I hope I get to ride with you, hike with you, or simply enjoy the world we live in together.  Cheers!